Connecting to MySQL DB with PHP

It’s very easy to connect to MySQL database using PHP. You just need to know HOSTNAME, USERNAME (this is DB username), PASSWORD (pw for DB), DB_NAME and that’s it.

It’s better to have a separate PHP file named connect.php for connection information.

There are TWO ways of doing this. EXAMPLE 1 is more cleaner and my preferred way of doing it; but EXAMPLE 2 can also be used for smaller and more simple projects.


filename: connect.php


define('HOSTNAME', 'localhost');
    define('USERNAME', 'root');
    define('PASSWORD', ''); //it's usually empty for MySQL
    define('DB_NAME', 'crud-app'); //create DB in MySQL and define it here

    $conn = mysqli_connect(HOSTNAME, USERNAME, PASSWORD, DB_NAME);

    if ($conn) {

        echo 'SUCCESS!';

    }  else {

        die ('No connection!!!');


filename: connect.php


    $conn = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'root', '', 'crud-app');

    if ($conn) {

        echo 'SUCCESS!';

    } else {

        die ('No connection!!!');