My Development stack

  1. < LEARN NOW (2024) >
  2. HTML 5 & CSS 3
  3. PHP 8.3
  4. Bootstrap 5.1
  5. MySQL 8.0
  6. WordPress 6.5
  7. VS Code 2024
  8. Git and GitHub
  9. Chrome Dev tools
  10. JavaScript ECMAScript 2023 (ES14)
  11. < LEARN LATER >
  12. Sass 1.75
  13. jQuery 3.7.1
  14. Chart.js v4.4.2
  15. Typescript
  16. Browsers (Chrome, FireFox, Safari)
  17. FileZilla 3.67 for FTP
  18. XAMPP 8.2.4
  19. Local 9.0.1 by FlyWheel

I am in Apple ecosystem and love Apple computers. I don’t develop on WIN computers anymore cos just too harsh on my eyes 🙁

Why you should never FART in an Apple store. Because they don’t have windows.

Apple joke, hihi

PS! All programming languages are VANILLA, I don’t use any frameworks. At least at this point. I prefer to use VANILLA because it gives me better and deeper understanding of CODE. Frameworks like REACT fro WordPress development, but it’s going to be in the far future.