Learn NOW
- Finish 100% Khanam tutorial about PHP by 6/30
- then CONTINUE with this one just 20min a day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZ6vybT1HQs and at the same time do this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pr5cH-4c54k&list=PLl1gkwYU90QmmbQ-rQGy8n_RZcT5gvxuE
- then build a COFFEE shop SITE and then u should be good to start coding on your own
- THEN learn CSS from HIM and after that TAKE a full 23h CSS course for basics and after that take one 33h course with projects
- GeneratePress Theme Customization | Build A Custom Listing Website
- How To Create Custom Post Types & Custom Fields WordPress Tutorial
- Unlock WordPress Potential: A Beginner’s Guide to Advanced Custom Fields
- Finish Bootstrap 5 by 6/30
- opi JavaScript from this tutorial: JavaScript Tutorial Full Course – Beginner to Pro (2024) and after this do one basics oma around 30h and then CSS & HTML & JavaScript tutorials with projects
- learn about MySQL with this tutorial
- Star doing basic of PHP using these two YouTube courses (just 60min per day)
- keep building SITES etc with PHP (What tutorials will you be building here?
- from 7/1 start building 100% on your own, while just refreshing you memory 60min every day with basic tutorials & strat learning CSS one 25h tutorial (in addidtion learn Flex box and CSS grid system)
- start coding WEB SITES 100% from SCRATCH using code
- from 9/1 start learning WordPress and keep building using WP
- from 10/1 learn Udemy this course with JavaScript too, this teaches the basics of web design and how to build better sites etc.
- from 11/1 start with PHP OOP
- at some POINT start with The Odin Project
< GOAL for 2024 till 12/31)
- master PHP intermediate level with OOP: LEVEL = intermediate
- master Bootstratp 5.3.1 (become master at designing WEB with it & Dashboards etc): LEVEL = professional
- CSS & HTML: LEVEL = intermediate
- MySQL: LEVEL = intermediate
- WordPress: LEVEL = professional
- JavaScript: LEVEL = beginner
- Chrome webmaster tools: LEVEL = intermediate
- VS Code: LEVEL = professional
- Git & GitHub: LEVEL = intermediate
- < final output for 2024 > to become very good at coding to be able to build my own website (fully functional with DBD integration); just basic knowledge of JavaScript but enough for 2024 cos next year will be JavaScript year. You must know how to build super nice and FAST website with WordPress with bootstrap and you must also know how to build plugins for WP -> you must have PROFESSIONAL level knowledge about it.
- < goals for 2025 >
- master JavaScript
- API’s with PHP and JavaScript & WP API
- Chart.js (know everything how to customize it)
- start building your own app from 2025 MAY-1st (and then go parallel with FITNESS and buidling my BODY).
- finish Khanam tutorials
- then FINIHS this one PART 1
- start LEANING from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m52ljs78S24&list=PL0eyrZgxdwhwwQQZA79OzYwl5ewA7HQih
- Learn Bootstrap & PHP
- Build some other CALCULATORS with PHP
- start learning CSS (do one full TUTORIAL from start to finish)
- start learning BOOTSTRAP 5 (do one full TUTORIAL from start to finish)
- Learn CSS FlexBox (all tutorilas and try to understand it 100%)
- learning everything on reset.css
MY OLD things <if i have time i will keep learning>
- https://youtu.be/72U5Af8KUpA jatka CRUD siit
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JydKzPOni3k CRUD step by step
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwgG_uIJYQM SEARCH FUNCTION (very good) IMAGES search as well
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R90fzD9nRD8 Build a FlashCard app 1h long
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHvWQspjmP0 Dynamic footer & eader
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGagTFGZ5e0 Multi language app
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaSbVgA6-jY
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgvDMUrQ3vA
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0syDUSbdfE FULL PHP course 7h
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rkg731t47dc build MVC
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNBHBQ3g0j8 PAGENATION step by step
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFNtmhwU5HU CRUD crahs course
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzSu310RElk Step by Step CRUD full course 6h
- html <datalist> tag! Seems fun
- [autocomplete=”off”]
- Multi language site in PHP
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgvDMUrQ3vA